Who Am I?

My name is Cuong Do. I am studying math at the University of South Alabama in hopes of becoming a high school math teacher someday. I am a pretty friendly guy. I don't always say what is on my mind, but I do not let other people think for me. I believe that you only live life once, so why would you waste it trying to be someone else for the sake of acceptance? Be yourself and those worth accepting will have already accepted you. This is why I want to teach. Too many kids are so concerned about popularity, they throw their personality to the wind and it kills me to see that. I don't want to just shove number into their heads, I want to open their eyes to life. This may not be what they want, but it is certainly what they need.


Technology is the new standard. When you walk up to someone and say, "Hey can I borrow your laptop or cell phone," it will be highly unlikely for a person to look at you and go "What's that?" Almost everybody has a facebook. Even children are able to use technology as second nature already! I have a friend who has a niece that is about 3 years old, who sends her text messages from her father's phone. This is a little girl that can barely read, who knows how to send text messages! How ridiculous is that? Children are evolving with technology. They are learning faster, understanding more, and are becoming more capable every day. This is mind boggling, but true. It's going to keep on happening, and these kids will probably be way better off than our parents were. Well, unless the world comes across an electronic world wide meltdown. Then they might be in trouble because of their dependence on technology. I will agree that technology is important in our day and age, but is it really that reliable? Is it so reliable that we can confidently invest all of our time and energy into making it better, stronger and more convenient? Putting all of the eggs in one basket seems pretty risky to me.